

Mood: Tehran

Design Outside the Canon The Design Canon in American education focuses mainly on Europe, North America, and sometimes parts of Asia. During one of my

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Coronavirus Stock Market

​​If you’re like me, you’re finding all of the news surrounding the economy pretty depressing. So I thought I’d offer you an alternate universe where

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Mood: Rats

RATS! Here in DC, rats are always a popular topic of conversation. They are overrunning the city. They’re creepy and gross. You can’t walk down

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Mood: Holiday Fever Dream

In our studio, we love old advertising and are always looking at vintage ads as a source of inspiration. Changing cultural norms and the evolution

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Mood: Afrofuturism

Growing up, I listened to a lot of music that would be considered Afrofuturist. I always had a general knowledge of the subject but a

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Mood: Variable Typography

We’re excited about the rise and adoption of variable width typography. A revival of classic typography has been steadily seeping into web design which feels

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Mood: Looking East

East meets West is a pretty clichéd notion, especially in our globalized world. Everything influences everyone. But it is still interesting to survey different design

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Mood: Modern Luxury

We’ve been exploring luxury design for clients from a range of industries this year. As we continue to create content that moves with the changing

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mood: k beauty.

If you’re in the business of keeping up with trends, K Beauty is one that you can’t afford to ignore. One can barely delve into

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