
work we like: adx.

ADX – art design portland is a “collaborative makerspace and fabrication house where individuals and organizations make and learn.” The shop allows members to share tools, space, and experience to grow a community of makers. And it’s paying off. The space has done fabrication projects for major brands like red bull, air b&b, and tofurkey. On top of that, they’ve incubated over 100 businesses, and offer events, classes, and work trade opportunities for small businesses in their area.

One super cool component of their online presence is the virtual tour, which lets you navigate your own experience around their space. You get a first-hand (thanks, Google!) look at their workspaces and factory floor, complete with a “Please-Play-Me” piano.  Needless to say, we’ve got a little friend-crush on these guys – Portland, doin’ big thangs!