
mood: saudades.

#saudades: a uniquely brazilian word, with no literal translation in any other language— pronounced sah-oo-dah-jees— used describe a feeling of longing and nostalgia. having all just returned from world travels, we’re feelin’ saudades for days.

when you get the itch, you’ve gotta scratch it. we were all hashtag-blessed to have the opportunity to hop on international flights last month, and for some reason, the majority of us chose south america. to ask why would be silly— if you’ve even seen pictures from any country on this continent, you know what a ecologically diverse and culturally rich place it is to explore. when we came together to share some of our stories and photos from our various trips, a common thread emerged; a true vastness of history, presenting itself both in nature, and on well-worn back streets. we’re quite excited to share our stories with you, and over the next few weeks, each of us will take over the blog with our stories, travel tips, and most importantly, our photos.

but we won’t share just yet. enjoy this collage of some of our favorite found-imagery from the different places we’ll share here in the coming weeks. not quite a preview— just a little inspiration on our favorite day of the week. stay tuned.

patagonia. 100% worth the hype.

trinidad, cuba. cigars date back to 10th century south america.

sand dunes at Morro branco beach in ceará, brazil.